I’m from Mount Vernon, Indiana. I studied photography at Indiana University and have been a working or freelance photographer off and on throughout my career. Most recently, I was the editor and photographer at the Mount Vernon Democrat where I did a lot of sports, event, and portrait photography. I also created and did all the original writing and photography for the Posey County Tourism website. Locally, I’ve had several articles published in Evansville Living and also the late Posey County Magazine, and was a featured photographer for the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana’s Project Reveal. I’ve also done work for many national, international, and regional publications including Tucson Newspapers, On Wall Street and other B2B publications, and Burn Magazine.
Currently, I’m semi-retired and working on documenting something of life here in southern Indiana, and simultaneously providing a counter-narrative to how we are portrayed in the national media and the minds of many people living in big, coastal cities. I don’t mean to downplay our societal ills and challenges, but I believe there are already enough journalists out there covering those stories.
My goal is to focus more on documenting the good things about our local society, and that’s what I’m working on right now. Please contact me if you know of something that needs documenting.
And I’m not really pursuing any commercial or journalistic work, but am always willing to listen if someone has something in mind.